Operators By Category
Creating Observables 创建
Operators that originate new Observables.
— create an Observable from scratch by calling observer methods programmatically从头开始创建一个通过调用观察者可观测的编程方法
Observable.create(new OnSubscribe<String>() {
public void call(Subscriber<? super String> subscriber) {
subscriber.onNext("Hello World!");
}).subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(String s) {
— do not create the Observable until the observer subscribes, and create a fresh Observable for each observer不创建直到观察者订阅,并创建一个新的观察为每个观察者
Observable.defer(new Func0<Observable<String>>() {
public Observable<String> call() {
return Observable.create(new OnSubscribe<String>() {
public void call(Subscriber<? super String> subscriber) {
}).subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(String s) {
Observable.defer(() -> Observable.create(new OnSubscribe<String>() {
public void call(Subscriber<? super String> subscriber) {
})).subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(String s) {
— create Observables that have very precise and limited behavior创建 非常精确的和有限的 观察
— convert some other object or data structure into an ObservableInterval
— create an Observable that emits a sequence of integers spaced by a particular time intervalJust
— convert an object or a set of objects into an Observable that emits that or those objectsRange
— create an Observable that emits a range of sequential integersRepeat
— create an Observable that emits a particular item or sequence of items repeatedlyStart
— create an Observable that emits the return value of a functionTimer
— create an Observable that emits a single item after a given delay
Transforming Observables 传递
Operators that transform items that are emitted by an Observable.
— periodically gather items from an Observable into bundles and emit these bundles rather than emitting the items one at a timeFlatMap
— transform the items emitted by an Observable into Observables, then flatten the emissions from those into a single ObservableGroupBy
— divide an Observable into a set of Observables that each emit a different group of items from the original Observable, organized by keyMap
— transform the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function to each itemScan
— apply a function to each item emitted by an Observable, sequentially, and emit each successive valueWindow
— periodically subdivide items from an Observable into Observable windows and emit these windows rather than emitting the items one at a time
Filtering Observables 过滤
Operators that selectively emit items from a source Observable.
— only emit an item from an Observable if a particular timespan has passed without it emitting another itemDistinct
— suppress duplicate items emitted by an ObservableElementAt
— emit only item n emitted by an ObservableFilter
— emit only those items from an Observable that pass a predicate testFirst
— emit only the first item, or the first item that meets a condition, from an ObservableIgnoreElements
— do not emit any items from an Observable but mirror its termination notificationLast
— emit only the last item emitted by an ObservableSample
— emit the most recent item emitted by an Observable within periodic time intervalsSkip
— suppress the first n items emitted by an ObservableSkipLast
— suppress the last n items emitted by an ObservableTake
— emit only the first n items emitted by an ObservableTakeLast
— emit only the last n items emitted by an Observable
Combining Observables 组合
Operators that work with multiple source Observables to create a single Observable
— combine sets of items emitted by two or more Observables by means of Pattern and Plan intermediariesCombineLatest
— when an item is emitted by either of two Observables, combine the latest item emitted by each Observable via a specified function and emit items based on the results of this functionJoin
— combine items emitted by two Observables whenever an item from one Observable is emitted during a time window defined according to an item emitted by the other ObservableMerge
— combine multiple Observables into one by merging their emissionsStartWith
— emit a specified sequence of items before beginning to emit the items from the source ObservableSwitch
— convert an Observable that emits Observables into a single Observable that emits the items emitted by the most-recently-emitted of those ObservablesZip
— combine the emissions of multiple Observables together via a specified function and emit single items for each combination based on the results of this function